Fostering Faith in our Facilities

With religious holidays for multiple faiths on the horizon, what better time to meet with DOC Religious Services Administrator Rev. Ulli Klemm. Ulli discusses how chaplaincy staff and volunteers encourage faith in our institutions, how they support individuals of all faith and what he’d like to see change someday. Spoiler alert: it’s a surprising answer coming from a former minister.

How Parole Supervision Really Works

On this month’s episode, Parole Manager Penny Sines explains how parole agents help reentrants find success and overcome the various barriers they face upon reentry. Spoiler alert: It’s not like what you’ve seen in the movies. Penny also discusses the new program with local community partners — STRIVE — and shares a memorable reentrant success story.

For more on STRIVE, check out our recent press release.

Checking In with the Vehicle Restoration Plant at SCI Forest

Welcome to the debut episode of the Pennsylvania Prisons and Parole Podcast! On our first episode, we check in with Tim McKinney, general industries supervisor at the PA Correctional Industries Vehicle Restoration Plant at SCI Forest, and learn about his facility and workers. The Vehicle Restoration Plant held its grand opening on Jan. 26, 2020, and Tim explains how the first two years have been — including the biggest challenge presented by COVID-19.